
Congratulations to all on finishing final exams, and a Merry Christmas to all! Best wishes and blessings for a happy, healthy 2013.

As you each head home to your families, I encourage each of your families to consider finding ways to serve others as you celebrate during the break. Consider each of the following options:

  • You can donate food to the hungry at places like Glide, which handed out thousands of bags of food to needy families yesterday.
  • You can donate food to the San Francisco Food Bank, which is especially stressed at this time of year.
  • You might also find ways to give gifts to needy children through local churches and through the San Francisco Fire Department fire stations, many of which are running major drives.
  • You might choose to serve a meal at St. Anthony’s.
  • Or, you might choose to patronize a restaurant that serves the needy through direct service and donations (Like Delancey Street Restaurant) or which gives portions of its proceeds to SF Food Bank (like my favorite, Mission Chinese Food. They have free delivery where I live, and cheap delivery to your home too).

Best wishes to you and your families for a restful and joyful break!


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